The City of Oceanside administers local, state and federal programs that increase the supply of quality affordable rental and for-sale units in the city.
Affordable Housing provides safe, sustainable, and attractive homes at an affordable cost to low and moderate-income families and seniors who might otherwise be unable to continue living in their hometown and near their families and jobs. Affordable housing units are rent/price restricted to an affordable housing cost and only income eligible households are able to live in them.
Click HERE for Affordable Housing Costs (monthly Rent/Mortgage Costs)
People earning a low- to moderate- income – up to 120% of the area’s median income – can qualify to live in affordable housing communities. Anyone who has a qualified income, meets minimum credit qualifications, passes the background check and meets other eligibility criteria can qualify to live in affordable housing.
The City of Oceanside utilizes a variety of tools to promote and support the development and preservation of affordable housing in the city. Typically, affordable housing is financed by affordable housing developers through funding from private banks, Federal Tax Credits, developer fees, and the City's own local affordable housing fund. Oceanside offers gap financing and the issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the development or acquisition/rehabilitation of multifamily rental housing projects in the City. All housing financed or provided other incentives (e.g. density bonus, waivers and incentives) by the City of Oceanside carries affordability restrictions on some or all of the units.